T H E  M O S T  F A M O U S  D O G  I N  C A Y M A N

B R I E F: Create social media content for Car City Cayman to promote the new Jeep Wrangler. VMG came up with a campaign to ask the public to send in their dog photos to choose the new 'face of Jeep' to appear in marketing photos, social media photos, to showcase the adventurous nature of Jeep owners. More than 200 people sent in their photos so we held an exhibition where people could vote for who they thought should be the new furry-faced model for the brand. 

C L I E N T : Jeep

N A M E : The Most Famous Dog in Cayman




The video promoting the event reached 20,000 people and increased brand awareness for Jeep & Car City, boosting engagement and following across social media platforms.

Car City Cayman:


A D V E N T U R E S   W I T H  J E E P

Launching the Jeep Grand Cherokee in Antigua

Promoting the Jeep Compass in the Cayman Islands to an audience of millenial buyers.

Promoting the Jeep Wrangler in Aruba.

B R I E F: Create a video to promote the new Jeep Wrangler in the Caribbean Islands, showcasing the lifestyle and 'Jeep adventures'. VMG created a video highlighting the unique features of the Wrangler in Aruba, highlighting the off-roading capabilites. 

C L I E N T : Jeep Caribbean

N A M E : Adventures with Jeep